
About Us

About KDSP

Vision Statement

A central catalyst for enhancing devolution knowledge-sharing culture, research and documentation for innovative devolved service delivery .

Mission Statement

To be a world class devolution knowledge hub that facilitates acquisition, storage and dissemination of quality information resources and services that contribute to progressive implementation of devolved functions and research activities that continuously enrich devolved governance ecosystem.


The core values of the department are:

  1. To identify, collect, store, manage and make available relevant, quality and up-to-date sources of information to support devolved service delivery
  2. To provide an efficient and effective library and information services that meet the information needs of the county departments and stakeholders.
  3. To provide exceptional research administrative services for bench marking teams, researchers and research institutions learning from the county’s context
  4. To facilitate value addition for community led research, data, monitoring and knowledge management initiatives.
  5. Lead the development and implementation of research, documentation and knowledge management policies, programs and projects
  6. Establishment of the county government printing services